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  • More Design Office | 一段发现之旅
  • 2021-10-22 01:51:57



    MDO were honoured to be offered the chance to design the interior for a unique piece of architecture situated in the beautiful Liangzhu area, in the northwestern outskirts of Hangzhou.

    作为设计师,我们对于空间中各元素的联系和对比有很强的兴趣 - 建筑与室内,粗糙与平滑,深与浅,鲜明与细腻。每组对立概念之间都有一个过渡,在这个过渡中间也蕴藏着引发某种情感的机会。

    As designers we are interested in relationships and contrasts; architecture and interior, the rough and the smooth, dark and light, strong and the delicate. Between each is a transition, and opportunity to create an emotion.


    -The entrance hall-


    For us, the Sales Gallery represents one of these transitions.  It is a gateway that visitors encounter on their journey to discover the development.  This sense of arrival became our starting point for the entrance hall. A tall processional space which would fill the visitors with a sense of awe and anticipation. A place where we could set the tone and express the developments commitment to refinement and quality.


    We designed a series of folding arches (inspired by painting of traditional Chinese roofs by Wu Guangzhong) which responds to the rhythm of the architectural fa?ade.  Side lit from the south, the rhythm is enhanced by a series of columns clad in contrasting dark hairline metal and light textured limestone.  Each bay allows a glimpse view through a layered lacquer screen to the inside.

    延伸到了对于自然光与灯光的研究。在入口大厅处,想象这些连续的立柱可以被看作是日晷 — 它们的影子一直在动,一日之间可以大厅的地上画出时刻。在室内,运用了隐藏的洗墙灯,从而赋予了沿着浅色石墙的屏风温柔而有质感的阴影。

    This interest continues through to the study of lighting, natural and artificial. In the entrance hall we imagined the columns to behave as a sundial, the shadows constantly changing and drawing the hours of the day across the floor.  Inside we used indirect light to wash the walls and create gentle textured shadows playing through the screens which line the light stone walls. 

    -Central hall-


    The central hall is divided into 2 parts. The first is the model area, which is flanked by a long bar clad in bush-hammered stone, and a delicate forest of dark metal rods. The composition of the space is formal, with a strong central axis which leads on to the 2nd consultation area, and the external water feature. One challenged we faced was that the entrance hall is a double height space, with a very impressive scale. When you come into the model hall the ceiling drops to half the height.  How to keep the energy of the design?  


    Our solution was to continue the theme of folding roofs, but on a much greater scale.   We created a direction fold inspired by water ripples which flows to the outside. As it reaches the consultation area the fold becomes symmetrical so that it creates the form of a traditional roof above the seating.  This establishes a more comfortable and intimate setting above the consultation area.  

    -Capturing views-

    MDO对于捕捉风景这一概念非常感兴趣。把每一个空间的过渡当作一个可以框出独特景观的机会,如创作一副画一样。每个捕捉景观的地方同时安装了定制的屏风,这些屏风使得观景的体验更佳丰富 — 访客们可以通过屏风看到部分风景并感受到在此之外有更多景观,因此想要更进一步地探索。从入口大厅处,这些烤漆屏风就创造了使人们往内部和外部看到风景的机会,也从而建立了内部和外部空间与空间之间的关系。

    This idea of capturing views is something MDO are very interested in. We see each transition as an opportunity to frame a view, as if to create a painting.  This is enriched by the use of screens which allow partial views.  The visitor gets a glimpse or a sense of what is beyond, encouraging them to explode further. From the entrance hall lacquered screens permit views in and out, established these relationships between spaces, between inside and out.


    In the centre of the main hall a framed garden wrapped in lacquered screens brings the landscape into the building, and creates an element which is both a feature and means to organize and layer space.


    We designed custom built sofa and seating which responds to the views of the landscape. When you sit with your back to the wall, the seating is high backed and enclosing. Whereas where the seating faces the landscape the sofas are lower to allow all guests views of the garden and landscape. 


    -Relationships between and interior-


    MDO are interested in these relationships because the two founders are both architects who come from a background where space, form and light are very important. We enjoy how interior and architecture interact, how one can inform and improve the other.  The idea of a blur between inside and outside, where we can live in both can only be achieved with a clear understanding of architecture and interior.


    When we design we are always considering how the form, material and scale work inside to out to create a balance.  We look every detail, the setting out of stone, the alignment with architectural columns, window frame and cladding, to the physical properties of connecting materials.  Can each relationship strengthen the experience that the visitor feels as they move through the building?

    项目名称 | 郡西云台销售中心
    Project Name | Junxi Mountain Villa Sales Centre
    事务所 | More Design Office (MDO) / 木君建筑设计咨询(上海)有限公司
    Architecture Firm | More Design Office (MDO) 
    网站 | http://moredesignoffice.com/
    Website | http://moredesignoffice.com/
    状态 | 2017年11月完成
    Status | Completed Nov 2017
    面积 | 400平方米
    Size | 400 sqm
    地址 | 杭州市余杭区万科郡西澜山郡西云台售楼处
    Address | Mountain Villa Sales Centre, Vanke Junxi, Yuhang District, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province, China
    摄影 | 隋思聪, Dirk Weiblen
    Photographer | Sicong Sui, Dirk Weiblen

    More Design Office

    Junxi Mountain Villa Sales Centre 


    平面图 | © MDO

    More Design Office

    Junxi Mountain Villa Sales Centre 


    徐伩君Jaycee Chui(左) / Justin Bridgland桥义先生(右)


    MDO are an award winning,multi-disciplinary design practice based in Shanghai.  Founded in 2010 byJaycee Chui and Justin Bridgland, we put an emphasis on process andinvestigation to create interesting projects.We work across the fields ofarchitecture, interior design and furniture, and are interested in theconnections between these different disciplines. 

    徐伩君Jaycee Chui 木君建筑设计咨询(上海)有限公司由徐伩君女士在2010年创立。徐伩君女士在香港出生,在英国和加拿大接受教育后成为一名注册建筑师协会认证的建筑师和室内设计师。她拥有12年以上在伦敦和香港的工作经验。她对细节的重视反映在每个项目的质量上,为日常的空间带来美观优雅的体验。

    An ARB qualified Architect and interior designer, Jaycee was born in Hong Kong and educated in the UK and Canada. Shehas over 12 years of experience in London and Hong Kong, now based in Shanghai.Her attention to detail is highly reflected in the quality of each project,bringing beauty and elegance to everyday spaces.

    Justin Bridgland 桥义先生英国皇家建筑师协会认证建筑师,拥有15年以上在伦敦工作的经历,获得了很多住宅、商业和办公项目的奖项。桥义先生在英国与知名事务所squire+partnersRCKA合作,创造了一系列获得奖项的高质量项目。在2010年他移居到上海,并主导设计了在中国各地的各种规模类型的建筑与室内项目。

    Justin Bridgland is an RIBA Charteredarchitect from London with over 15 years working on award winning residential,commercial and office projects.  With a solid experience of deliveringhigh quality projects with award winning firms Squire and Partners andRCKa in the UK, he moved to Shanghai in 2010 and has lead a diverse range ofarchitectural and interior designs across China.

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    供稿 / MDO 木君建筑设计咨询(上海)有限公司