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  • 对话酒店人 | 上海养云安缦酒店总经理——Benoit Amado
  • 2021-03-19 04:41:59
  • 对话总经理


           上海养云安缦宁静内省的环境几乎让人遗忘了此地与繁华的上海腹地仅一步之遥,树林和村庄融合了巧夺天工的匠人技艺,讲述着一段令人难以置信的感人故事。作为安缦集团位于中国第四家度假村 —— 养云安缦的总经理,Benoit Amado致力于教育和企文化建设,享受国际化酒店业发展的过程并乐在其中。

          As a man devoted to education and culture, Benoit Amado has learned both how to be successful in the International hotel industry as well as how to find happiness while doing so. As the general manager for the new Aman resort, the Amanyangun, he is excited to welcome guests to a comfortable, introspective, and enlightened stay in one of their restored Ming- and Qing-dynasty villas just outside of downtown Shanghai surrounded by the calming scent of sacred thousand-year-old camphor trees relocated from the Jiangxi province.


          Amado先生出生于法国西南部巴斯克地区,毕业于法国一所大学的旅游和酒店管理专业,曾在美国、爱尔兰、非洲北部、法国、比利时等多地工作。工作之初他就有充足的热情和强烈的渴望成为酒店的领导者。Amado先生于2004年在巴厘岛负责诺富特努沙杜亚酒店(Novotel Nusa Dua)的开幕筹备以及索菲特塞米亚克酒店(Sofitel Seminyak)的重新定位和品牌推广等工作。2008年至2011年,Amado先生在担任上海虹桥美爵酒店(Grand Mercure Hongqiao)总经理期间,带领酒店创造了破纪录的销售额,并在全球金融危机的挑战下,为酒店在业内赢得了崇高地位。2017年初Amado先生从迪士尼集团加入了安缦,他尤其擅长开业筹备的餐饮管理和市场营销,拥有管理多元化团队的丰富经验,他希望用耐心、毅力、韧性和积极的情绪影响身边的人。

          Mr. Amado grew his passion of hospitality industry from a young age—while growing up in the beautiful Basque county of France he came in contact with many aspects of tourism. Thus, he started his journey at a French hospitality and tourism university, and after graduating in 1999 he left for the UK and Ireland for work opportunities in high-end restaurants. Later, in order to diversify his work experience, he worked for a French tour operator in South & North Africa focusing on guest management and entertainment for the French leisure market. His next focus was on the hotelier side, starting in his hometown in France to work for the Grand Hotel, a leading property of the world, then he moved to Brussels, Belgium for experiences in rooms division positions, and lastly to the Brussels Crowne Plaza Hotel to grow in the front office positions. 

          His passion and desire in becoming a leader in the hospitality industry was always strong, and the start of his management experience took place in the UK – working with reservations and revenue for a small vintage hotel. Benoit first moved to Asia in 2004 to manage the opening of The Elysian Resort and Spa in Bali, Novotel Nusa Dua, and did the repositioning and branding of Sofitel Seminyak consecutively. Then as General Manager of Grand Mercure Hongqiao in Shanghai from 2008 to 2011, Benoit helped accomplish record sales, achieving a highly respected status for the hotel for defying the challenges of the global financial crisis. Benoit now joins Aman from the Shanghai Disney Resort where, as General Manager of Hotel Operations, he led the launch of two hotels with a total of 1,220 rooms and suites, eight restaurants and retail outlets and 1,500 employees, including supervising construction and development of the hotels in collaboration with SVP Disney Project Management. 

          Finding his home within the Aman brand has been a positive acquaintance for Mr. Amado because of the relationships he has been able to foster with the owner and management company. The Aman brand is at the top when it comes to hospitality due to in large part it's niche customer experience, where the Shanghai location focuses on protecting the past of China – culturally and environmentally. Mr. Amado explained how they have created a 300-hectare space for the guests to take a step back and enjoy the sophisticated and nourishing resort experience in complete peace surrounded by 1000-year-old heritage camphor trees.

          Opening hotels, F&B, and marketing are what Mr. Amado has particularly excelled at, while his diverse hotel upbringing gave him extensive knowledge and experiences in managing multi-national teams. In his own words, he lives in a meaningful way and he wants to positively impact the people around him with patience, perseverance, resiliency, and happiness.


           度假村的客人一般都期望更高的服务和独一无二的入住体验,不过Amado先生就喜欢为这样的客户服务,因为他十分享受这所有的细节 。安缦集团致力于打造亲切谦逊,温和好客的私人居所系列。第一处安缦度假村位于泰国普吉岛的Amanpuri成功诠释了这个概念。自此之后,安缦集团不断成长并在不丹、柬埔寨、中国、多米尼加共和国、法国、希腊、印尼、印度、意大利、日本、老挝、黑山、摩洛哥、菲律宾、斯里兰卡、泰国、土耳其、特克斯和凯科斯群岛、美国、越南等地建立了31处度假村。


          Resort clientele generally expects a higher level of service and unique experience from their hosts, but Mr. Amado prefers serving these clients because he enjoys all the details that go into the craft with a larger guest experience. To rejuvenate and recharge is what the Aman brand excels in providing for its guests, where the unique name Amanyangyun, means ‘nourishing cloud’, yangyun is a reference to expanding the ‘cloud’ of the mind with knowledge – a philosophy born by the story of the ancient trees and dwellings at Amanyangyun's heart. The resort has been 15 years in the making and is unlike anything else in Shanghai because of the beautiful large natural spaces, cultural aspects, personalized family learning, international F & B destinations, and luxury class service to be provided to anyone interested from around the world. 


          养云安缦大家庭里的250多名员工来自中国各地。Mr. Amado解释道,当他们雇佣员工时,管理层寻找的是性格里具备“安缦特质“的人才——与客户的交流中,发自内心的服务是至关重要的。Amado先生精通六种语言:英语、中文、法语、西班牙语、印度尼西亚语与及其母语巴斯克语,他也经常和员工沟通持续学习的重要性。关于亚美记者提出的问题,如何成为一个总经理,Amado先生说道如果一个人将自己的职场目标定位在总经理上,并且发自内心的希望达成这个目标。这同时也意味着他们需要持续不断的用尽全力去工作。Amado先生还强调在如今充满竞争的环境里,要多多了解社会多元化的礼仪、拓宽视野,打造良好的人际关系。

          There are 250+ employees on the Aman team, coming from all over China and around the world because of its specialty restaurants and services. When they hire employees, Mr. Amado explained that the team looks for individuals who fit into the Aman personality –skilled with communications, a genuine personality that is heartfelt, and professionally presentable. Mr. Amado’s skill in 6 languages (English, Spanish, Basque, French, Indonesian and Chinese) helps him communicate the importance in having a thirst for learning to the employees so they can positively grow with the Aman brand.

                Mr. Amado explained that if someone wants to become a GM they really have to want it. This means they need the willpower to provide hard work all the time. Networking to build relationships and having an open mind to learn about the opportunities to grow is vital in the competitive field. Mr. Amado also stressed to never burn bridges and to learn cultural etiquette to be polite in all situations.


           In his spare time, Mr. Amado takes care of his health with exercise, loves trying new restaurants, spends time with his family, and focuses on expanding the Aman brand. He also appreciates tea and wine from the different cities in China, so he collects and has a personal tea set on his desk for continual enjoyment.


          It was a joy to hear Mr. Amado’s insights about the Amanyangun Resort and to learn about his dedicated career and we thank him for his time.


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